Ukrainian doom metal band MOURNFUL GUST came together in 1999 featuring ex-members of other local bands: Temple Of Oblivion and Vae Solis. In a period of one year the line-up has finally been completed and songs for the future album … READ MORE
Natural Born Stonehead [ThrashMetal]
In 1998, in Tres Cantos, a town north of Madrid, a thrash metal band named “Sybil Leek” (which is the name of an English witch that lived during the 16th century, born with the mark of a witch considered to … READ MORE
Nemesis [PowerMetal]
The band was formed in 1989 at the small town Klimkovice near Ostrava city by Vladislav Rybka and Lukas Lednicky and named Agressor at first. After Tomas Blaha came back from the military service, the band was renamed to Nemesis. … READ MORE
Night Crawlers [PowerMetal]
The Night Crawlers are a Power Metal band that mixes a heavy sound and melody, besides showing fantasy, magic, medieval tales and contemporary themes in their songs. The Night Crawlers were born in 1998, in Belo Horizonte (Brazil); there were … READ MORE
Nightfall [BlackMetal]
Nightfall founded in the early days of the last decade of the millenium. Four young people with the only, sacred aim to create a small community; a sanctuary for their precious thoughts, dreams, theories and other sensible like the negative … READ MORE
The band was established in 1996 bares the name NIGHTSHADE. Band members at that time was Hishamuddin(drums), Mahathir(guitar), Shaharudin(guitar), Hiswandy(bass)& Shahrizam(vocal). The band’s progress was temporarily interrupted by the departure of most of their band members due to locations and … READ MORE
Novembers Fall [MelodicDeathMetal]
Novembers Fall ist eine Melodic Death Metal Band aus Neukirchen-Vluyn (NRW) und versucht ihren eigenen Stil zu prägen, der eine experimentelle Mischung aus melodiösem Death-, Thrash- und Blackmetal darstellt, gepaart mit cleanen Vocals und unverzerrten Gitarren.
Novembers Fall wurde … READ MORE
Nycticorax [BlackMetal]
The band was found in April 2003 in Riga,Latvija.Group is engaged in concert activity within the Baltic states.The style is approached to Misanthropic Black Metal.The songs are performed in russian,latvian and english.The first demo“NOSFERATU“was recorded in the end of 2003.Later … READ MORE
Omegadoom [Death/Hatecore]
O.D.OMEGADOOM aus Duesseldorf existieren seit 1996. Seitdem sind eine Vielzahl an Songs enstanden, die musikalisch von Death Metal, Stoner Rock, Grind- und Hate Core etc. beeinflusst sind.
Neben zahlreichen Live-Auftritten in NRW mit lokalen Bands wie z.B. Koroded, Redrum INC., … READ MORE
Opus Draconis [BlackMetal]
Aeturnus is in the metal scene since 1995.
In June of 2002 Aeturnus decides to create its proper project the Opus Draconis, deriving band of Portugal. In March of 2003 already with a defined formation, they record the first work … READ MORE
Orgasmodemon [DeathMetal]
Wie fange ich an? Ah ganz vorne..
2001 – Mano wollte damals Musik machen, so eine Art Gothic Rock mit fetten Growls und 2 Sängerinnen, diese Band sollte VAMPIRES DELICT heissen. Das wollte nicht so wirklich klappen. Also beschloss man, … READ MORE
Orkus [BlackMetal]
Gegründet im Winter (selbstverständlich) 1996, hatten Orkus sich in ihren Anfangszeiten dem Black Metal verschrieben, und mit diesem Vorsatz wurde 1998 das erste Demo „The Gate“ eingespielt.
Die limitierten 200 Kopien gingen sehr schnell über die Ladentheke. Dies brachte den … READ MORE