O Paradise In Flames nasceu com o propósito de fazer um som voltado para o metal profano, com o objetivo de criar um „Black/Death Metal“ com passagens atmosféricas e fúnebres, abordando temas que retratam a profunda discórdia ao império cristão … READ MORE
Parricide Eve [Death/Thrash]
Gegründet: Ende 2001 in Schwelm / Wuppertal
Musikstil: Mischung aus Death – und Thrash – Metal
Besetzung: Sven Bodsch, 24 ( Vocals )
Sven Weidemann, 24 ( Lead Guitar )
Roman Pietrowski, 24 ( Rhythmus Guitar )
Robert Neumann, 24 … READ MORE
Project Havoc [Brutal/Death/Grind]
Project Havok was first created in summer 2002 and it started as a side-project of Gerasimos (PA.T.H) and Andrew (ex-PA.T.H, Hedon Cries). Natural born blastfreaks, they were both seeking for something more extreme and far more brutal than their other … READ MORE
Reclusion [ThrashMetal]
The early days: Reclusion was formed in August 1998 with the ambition was to put together a band where all members shared the same goals and had the same visions concerning the future. A funny thing in all this, is … READ MORE
Rednucleus [Progressive Rock Metal]
The RedNucleus project was initially started by Chriss, formerly of the Belgian band Renaissance (not to be mistaken with the U.K. progressive folkrock outfit) which in the early/mid ’90s released music that can be described as progressive metal/rock with an … READ MORE
Respawn [Neo/Thrash]
1999 setzten sich vier Freunde die einmal in einer Band gespielt hatten nach langem wieder zusammen. Alte Geschichten. Viel Gelächter. Der Fernseher lief. MTV. Plötzlich plärrte eine unbedeutende Pop Band aus dem Flimmerkasten. Wir wurden einen Moment ruhig. …und Fabz … READ MORE
Reviolence [ThrashMetal]
Graseffi got together with the guitar player Marcello Ivanov to make a new band.
After testing some musicians , the ex Nervochaos, Sidney, was added to „line up“, just after that Marcello left the band.
On June 2003, with Pedro … READ MORE
Sagitta [HeavyMetal]
On the year 2000, after four years dedicated exclusively to his own job, the also guitarist Jean Silvestre received a call from Switzerland. It was his friend Yves Hofer, very well known cinema director, who was going to spend vacations … READ MORE
Saponification [DeathMetal]
Life Denial –unholy brutal death metal band from the south of Ukraine. Gathered in September of 2001. From the beginning band is playing brutal death metal with aggressive guitar riffs, hammering drums, bombastic bass and growling. First recording is EP … READ MORE
Sarx [DeathMetal]
– Gegründet irgendwann Ende 1997 sollte SARX (aus der Gnostik für „Fleisch“) ein Projekt verschiedener Musiker aus lokalen Undergroundbands werden, bei dem ausschliesslich „geknüppelt“ werden sollte.
– Anfang 1998, nach einigen Besetzungswechseln und erfolgreicher Proberaumsuche konnten die ersten Gigs gespielt … READ MORE
Scavenge [DeathCore]
Scavenge ist eine Death Core Metal Band aus Dresden, die im Sommer 2000 gegründet wurde. Im Frühjahr 2001 entsteht die erste Demo „one man system“. Durch Besetzungswechsel ändert sich der Musikstil der Band. Zu rhythmischen Hardcore-Elementen fließen mehr und mehr … READ MORE
Sceptic [DeathMetal]
In 1994 arises a band called Tormentor which consists of : Jacek Hiro – guitar, Darek Styczeń guiatr ( later in Thy Disease), Maciek Zięba Drums. A year later after converting the english dictionary the band changes it’s name on … READ MORE