From the ashes of Sorrow Bequest, The Widow’s Lust was formed in the winter of 2000. Guitarist Cristof got together with drummer Mike and decided to form the group to express their vision of horror. Johnny and Joshua also possessed … READ MORE
Witchburner [ThrashMetal]
Witchburner wurden als zwei-Mann Band von Tankred Best und Florian Schmidt 1992 gegründet. Nach einigen Proben wurde das erste Demo unter den Titel „Future Tales“ aufgenommen, welches aber auf grund der schlechten Produktion nicht offiziell verkauft wurde.
Nach einigen Gigs … READ MORE
Woslom [Heavy/Thrash]
July 1997 — Sao Paulo, Brazil. Talking in a bar, Fernando says to Chicao that one day he would take his drums and would leave it in Chico’s house for them to play. Chicão, which has a bass guitar, doesn’t … READ MORE
Zavorash [BlackMetal]
Zavorash was formed in 1996 by the three original members Zablogma, Zagzakel, and Zagrash. The first recording of the band was made at Zagrash’s residence using a digital port and drum-machine. After the production of this demo-tape (released in only … READ MORE