Originally called Violence, Bestial Devastation is a young italian band, active from April 2002. In fact it is exactly in spring 2002 that this group of boys decides to form a band of extreme metal, brave enterprise owing to the little diffusion of this musical kind in the zone. Bestial Devastation love to define their musical style, highly sick and destructive, „Bestial Metal“. In this period the components of the band, for their extreme and provocative attitude (either in the texts or in the music), decide to stay in the anonymity using „battle names“.After a series of violent lives, they undertake to layout of own pieces that are going to form their first „Sores, Blood & Pus“ demo, recorded on April 2003 (published two months later).Then the band take part in some compilations such „Atlantida Vol.22“ and „Register Of Zombies“ (an Italian underground compilation with bands like Abiura, Carnality and Blasphemer). In the beginning of June 2004 they’ve recorded eight tracks of ultragrinding bestial metal that will be released in a split with Obscene by Redrum Records. At the present time they are active and busy in the composition of their first full-leght cd (in full „Bestial“ style, of course…) that will be released on Deadsun Records for the end of 2004.
official Website: http://www.bestialdevastation.com