In 1994 arises a band called Tormentor which consists of : Jacek Hiro – guitar, Darek Styczeń guiatr ( later in Thy Disease), Maciek Zięba Drums. A year later after converting the english dictionary the band changes it’s name on Sceptic. Darek Styczeń is being changed on Jacek Mrożek and a new vocalist Arek Stawiarski comes too. In these squad in 1996 band record their first demo which include intro and the songs called: Sceptic , Punished, Sadistic Aggresion and Only Lies.
Bass guitar line is recorded by Jacek Hiro. Inside the band comes for new changes – vocalist function is taken over by Jacek Mrożek. Then the new bassist comes ( Paweł Kolasa) and the band records in 1997 their second demo called „Beyond Reality“. Demo includes the following songs : Die From Within , Blind Existence, Co – existence( intrumental) today known as Outworld, Sceptic, Interior of Life, Beyond Reality and Imprisoned.
After recording third demo the band leaves Jacek Mrożek and Maciej Zięba. Marcin Urbaœ appear in a role of a new vocalist. Kuba Kogut take control over Drums. The band is searching for a second guitarist while recording the third demo which includes two songs from previous material – Die From within and Interior of Life.
Demo is being sent to many places, but an interesting answer comes back only from one. The manager of the band becomes Mariusz Kmiołek ( Massive Management). Sceptic signs three-Cd contract. After several months Czesiek Semla comes to the band, and in these squad Sceptic on turning point of January and February records first album called „Blind Existence“.After a lot of negotiations the album is being released by Mystic Production. Equal the Cd and the concerts, on which Sceptic apart from their common songs often plays „Lack of Comprehension“ originally by Death and „Land of Tears“ or. by Pestilence , are being very positively accepted.
Sceptic gets a lot of positive reviews from a musician press. The squad changes itself once again in February 2000.Kuba goes to America and his place is taken by Maciek Zięba, the one of the first squad founder. Marcin Urbaœ who could not share his sport carrier with the band needs decides to leave it. Michał Senajko from Thy Disease becomes a new vocalist.
Jacek Hiro records guitar solos on Dies Irae Cd in June.Then begin the small problems with the vocalist. After releasing their album Michał Senajko passes away. Sceptic is searching for a new vocalist. The band have some problems with finding a publisher for their new album. Michał Skotniczny from the band called Crionics takes over microphone.
After many problems in April Sceptic release their second album called „Pathetic Beings“. The publisher of this record becomes Empire Records. In May Sceptic goes on tour and the fans acceptance is very good. The popularity of the band rise. Czesiek Semla is being thrown out. His place is taken by Rafał Kastory from Artrophia Red Sun, privately Jacek Hiro’s neighbour. Maciek gets a proposition of recording drums on a new Dies Irae album. In September the band was going to play as a support before Pantera and Slayer but the concert was canceled.
Sceptic have to face another problems relate with the squad. In November 2001 Maciek Zięba (drums) leaves the band and a month later Paweł Kolasa (bass) does the same. Paweł was replaced by Grzegorz Feliks from Artrophia Red Sun. In February 2002 has proceeded a concert which was the last for Maciek Zięba and Rafał Kastory, who have abandoned the band.