“Horror Vacui” EP
Release Date: June 19th 2021
Void of Apep is a band from the city of Lisbon, Portugal, consisting of one member, F. The project began in 2020 and its debut EP, “Horror Vacui”, … READ MORE
“Horror Vacui” EP
Release Date: June 19th 2021
Void of Apep is a band from the city of Lisbon, Portugal, consisting of one member, F. The project began in 2020 and its debut EP, “Horror Vacui”, … READ MORE
In 2008, the first songs of Ende were recorded but never released. Nowadays, this recording « The God’s Rejects » will be available via Cold Dark Matter Records in special limited on tape format…Based in France, ENDE is the project … READ MORE
This is the first elaborate interpretation of Satan. In difference to theological and archetypical, this is a materialist interpretation. Lucifer is a fire god, and the origin of human sacrifice (burnt offering to God) is in the slash-and-burn agriculture from … READ MORE
DEATHSTORM RECORDS proudly announce the signing of Italian black metallers KURGAALL that will release their new, studio album entitled VOLUNTAS LUCIFERI on October 31, 2013; entirely produced by Algol from FORGOTTEN TOMB & HIEMS and recorded in ELFO STUDIO.… READ MORE
LORD IMPALER are proud to unleash a new blasphemy unto the world. “BABYLON WHORE” is planned for release in June 23, 2013 as a digital EP (available through the band’s official Bandcamp page, at http://lordimpaler.bandcamp.com) and as a split-CDR … READ MORE
HellNoise – Wie entstand das Projekt?
Lord Melkor: Angefangen hat alles Anfang 2003, wo ich die Idee hatte, eine Black Metal Formation zu gründen. Leider habe ich nicht die passenden „Mitstreiter“ gefunden, um etwas vernünftiges aufzuziehen. Im Herbst 2003 … READ MORE
Unholy War
HellNoise – How did the project form?
Hail !!! Unholy War was formed in June 2003, after I left the french BM band LORD. I spent 4 years with them, but I had to come in Germany. I … READ MORE
Luciferi Excelsi
HellNoise – Wer sind die Mitglieder der Band und was spielen die einzelnen?
Also ich, Tom, bin zuständig für Gesang und Bass. Berti und Bernhard spielen abwechselnd die Lead- und Rhythmus-Gitarren, und Fuxi sitzt am Schlagzeug. Bis auf … READ MORE
Bloody Blasphemy
HellNoise – Wer sind die Mitglieder der Band und was spielen die einzelnen?
Reghrav: Guitar & Voices
Necrodeamon: Lead & Rhythm Guitars
Abaddon: Battery
Shadow: Bass
HellNoise – Wie entstand die Band?
Im Jahr 1999 kaufte Reghrav sich … READ MORE
1984. Before Necrodeath monicker, it was Ghostrider with „Mayhemic Destruction“ demo tape (now released on vinil by FOAD records). Now Ghostrider is back and ready to kill again and again! Black Metal old school in a Venom, Carnivore, Hellhammer bloody … READ MORE
ASKEDAL was founded by Nox in the past dark century. ASKEDAL (former known as „Dark Chapter“) was born to make people think about what they have and what they can expect of life. Many people are coming to an end … READ MORE
Atritas wurde 1997 von Gier (vocals/ keyboards) und Ork (drums) gegründet. Im selben Jahr stiess Forcas (guitar) und Erguz (bass) zur Band, ebenso Lamia, die zunächst Violine spielte. In dieser Besetzung wurden im Dezember in Eigenregie die ersten vier selbstgeschriebenen … READ MORE